The command Prompt is one of the basic element of windows. when everything fails It is the command prompt which will ultimately help you to get out of the problem.
While using windows i have noticed one thing that once your computer gets infected and even though if you clean your computer completely (format) there are some of the folders or files which cant be deleted using windows explorer So in order to avoid these files to again infect our computer it is highly recommended to delete these files
So now the question is how to delete these file/Folders ????????
So to delete these files/folders you Just need to follow the tutorial :D
The tutorial has been divided into two parts :
1) How to delete a single file using CMD
2) How to delete folder using CMD
While using windows i have noticed one thing that once your computer gets infected and even though if you clean your computer completely (format) there are some of the folders or files which cant be deleted using windows explorer So in order to avoid these files to again infect our computer it is highly recommended to delete these files
So now the question is how to delete these file/Folders ????????
So to delete these files/folders you Just need to follow the tutorial :D
The tutorial has been divided into two parts :
1) How to delete a single file using CMD
2) How to delete folder using CMD
Note :
The Deleted Files/Folders Cant Be recovered From Recycle Bin
How To Delete A Single File Using CMD
- Run The command prompt (win+R type cmd and hit enter)
- Now Type the following command line and hit enterDEL /F /Q /A <File Path>So Here
F stands for Force Deletion Of Files
Q Ensures the force deletion of read only files
A will select only the files with the ready for archiving attribute
Finally you Just Need to Replace <File Path> with your file path
Example :
DEL /F /Q /A C:\Users\Karamchand\Desktop\PiratedTechnology.txt
How To Delete A Folder Using CMD
- Run The command prompt (win+R type cmd and hit enter)
- Now Type the following command line and hit enterRD /S /Q <Path of the Folder>Here
RD stands for remove Directory
S Deletes all sub folders and files
Q Deletes directories without confirmation
Replace <Path of the Folder> with your folder path
Example :
RD /S /Q C:\Users\Karamchand\Desktop\PiratedTechnology
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