The Rumour of whatsapp calls started last year when users noticed calls folder in their whatsapp folder the rumour stated that whatsapp will be soon indroducing their whatsapp calls through which users will be able to call people using whatsapp calls
As reported by avid user of feature on reddit, the feature allows users to call other users free of charge in some sort of concepts. The user had to use snipped interfaces of the feature to drive the point home to millions of anxious users who are hearing about the not-so-complex concept for the first time.
As per the screenshots posted, the interface appears to be so simple. No major modifications have been made. They just added a tab, which upon clicking lets you “Add calls” or make some. Next to the call tab, there is another tab for chatting, which also shows the conversations you’ve been having with your contacts.
The user who uploaded the screenshots also reported that he hasn’t so far made any successful voice call to another user using the feature. Reason being, the calling interface is yet to be made available for Smartphone users–but will be, very soon.
The voice call feature on WhatsApp has the invite system that avails it to other users. With this, one user can make a call to another user, who can in turn call another user, availing the feature to them as well. In other words, you get hooked to the system by being invited by another user, after which you can call any of your contacts to avail the feature to them, too. That’s it.
Enabling the WhatsApp Calling Feature
- Download the latest version of whatsapp from their official website click HERE to download
- Now ask someone to call you who has whatsapp calls enabled on it
We can call you to get a call from us Drop your numbers in the comment box and once you receive a call from us you number will be deleted from comment so that your number dont get shared to any third person
And if you want to recieve a call but dont wanna comment your number in comment box you can mail your number at
we assure you that your contact details will not be shared with any third person and no misuse of your numbers will be done