A new update of clash of clan is coming and supercell is back to its testing ways
The first sneak peek for the upcoming update of clash of clan was revealed on 26th june 2015
- 1st Sneak Peek :
In the first sneak peek supercell announced the level 5 dragons which as usual looks more scary and cool the dragon will have high damage and hit points. The level 5 dragons will be available at town hall level 10. Well now you might be worried about your defense strategy and planning how to take over this beast. Don't be worried supercell has also announced the 2nd air sweeper which will be available at town hall 8, Altough the air sweeper will not do any damage to this beast and we hope supercell would announce new air defense in future sneak peek.
Apart from level 5 dragon and 2nd air sweeper, supercell has also took the user game handling into consideration and have added the troops training button above the attack where you can directly train your troops without searching for barracks
Conclusion :
* Level 5 Dragon
* 2nd air sweeper
* Troop training button
- 2nd Sneak Peek :
The second sneak peek was live on 27th june 2015 the sneak peak aimed the top players and placed a new challenge before them by adding the new league known as "legend leagues tournament" the trophies required to participate into legend league is 5,000
following are the details of league :
* Current global rank will be based on league badge in your profile
* Final global rank and trophies will be permanently saved into your profile when the tournament ends
* Top player tab will feature last season's league legends tournament winners
* Trophies above 5000 will be reset down to 5000 when the tournament ends and deducted trophies will be converted into legend trophies
* legend trophies will be permanently saved into your profile
Conclusion :
* New league tournament (legend league tournament)
- 3rd sneak peek :
The third sneak peek was out on 28th june 2015 which came to be most amazing move by supercell the sneak peak revealed the new New dark spell factory and the new spell known as Poison spell the new spell factory and spell will be available at town hall level 8.
As stated by the supercell the poison spell would make a toxic cloud and weakens the health of defending troops
supercell also announced extra spells can be queued in spell factories even if the spell storage is full
Conclusion :
* Dark spell factory
* Poison Spell
* spells queue
- 4th Sneak Peak :After back to back amazing sneak peak super cell gave a new sneak peek on 29th june 2015 this included the spell known as "Earthquake Spell" which will be cooked into dark spell factory the damage of this spell is not much effective but can take out the builder hut and army camp in single spell attack
supercell also announced now there would be no damage done to storage's by direct spell attack
Conclusion :
* Earthquake spell
* No damage would be done to storage's by spell attacks
- 5th sneak peek :
The 5th sneak peek was live on 30th june 2015 this sneak peek revealed the new "Haste Spell" the spell will be cooked into dark spell factory. Spell will make no damage to the base. The spell is considered to be one of the fastest speed booster spell.
It speeds double the rage spell
Conclusion :
* Haste Spell
After this sneak peeks supercell rolled over their update on 1st july 2015
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Clan Tag : #8ULUJ2YY
Clan Level : 4
Minimum trophies : 1000
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