How to Create a WiFi Hotspot Using the Command Prompt [updated]

How to Create a WiFi Hotspot Using the Command Prompt

Today internet connectivity has became one of the things that we need the most.It would be nice if we can use our computers fast internet connection.So guys the solution is wireless hosted network.This concept of wireless hosted network was introduced in windows 7.By using this feature we can easily create a virtual wireless adapter.To do this we just need a laptop or pc in which wireless network should be supported and a Command Prompt with administrative privileges.And the best part of this feature is that you can connect to another wifi network when hosted network is running this process describes some of the features of commands that are only available in windows 7 or windows 8 operating systems 

Now lest just head up with the tutorial


If you dont want to do these steps, you can download and run the batch file in which i have added all the commands 


And if you want to write the command line i would recommend you to enable copy paste mode in command prompt this will help you to copy the commands and paste it in CMD refer the below link


  • Step 1: open the command prompt with administrative privileges 

  • Step 2: Type netsh wlan show drivers in cmd and hit Enter 

Note the step 2 is important in this step we check whether your pc or laptop supports hosted network
after following the step2 if you get the outputs as
Hosted network supported : yes
this means that your device supports hosted network
and if the output is no this means it dosent supports hosted network due to which you will not be able to create a wifi hotspot

Step 3: Now type netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Piratedtechnology and hit enter

Now the hotspot has been created but now its currently offline so we need to make it online so that we can use the internet to our another devices
If you want to change the hotspot name replace piratedtechnology to your name
If you want to change the password replace to your password

Step 4: Type netsh wlan start hostednetwork to start the hotspot

Step 5: Now type netsh wlan show hostednetwork This command will show the status of your hotspot

Step 6: This step will enable you to share your internet connection to your hotspot that you will be creating 

Navigate to Network and sharing center > change adapter settings 
Now select the connection you use to connect with the internet (In my case i use broadband connection) right click on the connection and navigate to properties > sharing and click on "allow other network users to connect through this computers internet" and in home network connection select the active wireless connection (i my case its wireless network connection 2)


To stop the hotspot type netsh wlan stop hostednetwork and hit enter
Now you can close the cmd window this will not stop your hotspot

Here is the PROOF


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About Karamchand

Karamchand yadav is a blogger and a tech geek the niche of his blogging are Tutorials,tricks related to computers and android devices.
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